Delight your followers and fans by preparing a personalized video greeting!

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Your social network accounts

The links to these social networks will be placed into your profile.

More than just a greeting

With the help of Sveikt! you can greet someone in various occasions - a friend birthday or colleague's anniversary. A personalized gift will make your fans to love you even more!

Free Choice

You can always choose the status 'active' or 'inactive' for receiving orders, also you can always decide to accept or decline the order. The video greeting can be prepared within up to 5 days, as long you have some time and a great mood!

Payout or Charity

Almost all greetings ordered on Sveikt! are gifts, so the receivers do not pay anything for them. You have a choice - keep your payout or donate to any charity.

Only the mobile phone is needed

Receive and accept the greeting, record and send a video greeting - you need only a mobile phone.

Video greeting example

Ļoti silts un patīkams sveiciens Ziemassvētkos!

Liels paldies par apsveikumu! Saņēmēja bija patīkami pārsteigta saņemt tik jauku sveicienu. Visiem iesaku izmantot šo iespēju :))) pārsteigta saņemt tik jauku sveicienu.

Fantastisks sveiciens! Mums šovakar mājās notika brīnums! Paldies! Bērnu pārsteigums un sajūsma bija neviltoti! Skatījās video vairākas reizes un aizsteidzās zīmēt Vecītim atbildes vēstules!

Vecītis ļoti mīļi uzrunāja katru bērniņu, kā arī uzdeva mīklas, kas viņiem ļoti patīk! Bērni bija ārkārtīgi priecīgi un pārsteigti!


Sveikt! team will help you!

We'll try to help and answer all your question as soon as possible.


Are you ready to make others happy and join the portal?

A personalized video pleases more like any regular gift!